HDR-C Film has excellent diagnostic capabilities in dense breast tissue. This film delivers high contrast in the shoulder of the H&D curve and latitude for dense structures within the toe portion of the H&D curve.
DX-D Retrofit offers an easy and afforda ble way to go Direct Digital while max imizing the use of existing X-ra y equipment.
- All the workflow and image quality benefits of Direct Radiography
- Easy installation: quickly up and running
- Potential dose reduction
- Superior contrast detail provided by MUSICA2
- Connectivity to PACS, HIS/RIS and imagers
An affordable DR solution that maximizes your existing equipment investment.
With DX-D Retrofit, healthcare facilities using either analog or Computed Radiography (CR) can upgrade to the benefits of Direct Radiography (DR), without replacing their existing equipment. By maximizing the use of existing equipment while simplifying installation, DX-D Retrofit provides an easy and affordable way to go Direct Digital. The solution consists of a flat panel detector, a retrofit box and an NX workstation with Agfa HealthCare’s gold standard MUSICA2 image processing software. The noninvasive, connection-only installation of the DX-D Retrofit solution poses no risk to your X-ray modality, while offering you all the workflow and image quality benefits from a leader in tried and tested DR solutions. You can choose between Cesium Iodide (CsI) and Gadolinium Oxysulphide (GOS) detectors; the DX-D 30C CsI panel offers wireless capability and superior image quality, while the tethered DX-D 10 uses GOS. Because wireless panels can be shared with other fixed or mobile Agfa DR solutions, additional costs savings can be achieved.