MAC is the mobile radiographic unit combining extraordinary ergonomi features with advanced performances, thus ensuring the execution of safe and rapid X-ray examinations.
The system compact design and reduced weight provide easy and safe maneuverability, while the C-arm, featuring wide movements, is equipped with exclusive devices ensuring precise and rapid positioning, allowing the operator to always select the best projection for any procedure in:
- General and endovascular surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Gastroenterology
- Cardiology
- Urology
- Orthopaedics
- Pain management
- Traumatology
Outstanding flexibility and precision in any type of projection are ensured also by 146° orbital movement with 56° overscan.
The intelligent user interface consisting of high-end touchscreen control panel ensures the most intuitive management of all the operational parameters, while the advanced technology featuring the acquisition devices and digital system provide superior image quality with the lowest patient dose in any procedure.
Many different configurations are available to meet all the operator’s needs