Dornier Compact Delta II

The Dornier Compact Delta II is the world’s best selling lithotripter. Highly effective, this versatile system provides the flexibility necessary for easy positioning and accurate stone targeting. When combined with the Relax+ patient table, this unique system, equipped with an integrated C-arm, is not only used for ESWL, but a wide range of cystoscopy procedures.

  • Adaptable: Integrated with a versatile patient table and flexible therapy head for accurate stone targeting.
  • Clear Imaging: Rich, vibrant views are facilitated with X-Ray or ultrasound imaging technology.
  • Proven: Dornier’s tried and true EMSE technology is the gold standard in shock wave excellence.
If you want to purchase the product, or you have any questions, please send an email request.


Dornier Delta III


The Dornier DeltaIII offers Powerful IMAGING, Maximized ENERGY, and Enhanced EFFICIENCY to support urologists in relieving kidney stones in patients and improving the bottom line of their business.

Dornier Aries

Shockwave Therapy

Dornier Aries offers an entirely new, non-invasive treatment approach for patients suffering from vasculogenic erectile dysfunction.

Dornier Gemini

Urological Platform

Dornier Gemini is a premier, full-functional urological platform that provides an unparalleled solution for both lithotripsy and endourology procedures.
